Translating documents for refugees from the war in Ukraine

We give a discount of up to 25% on translating your documents

Due to the urgent need to translate documents such as birth and marriage certificates, we are currently offering refugees from Ukraine a price discount of up to 25% off the official fees listed in the German Federal Law on Payments (JVEG). We would usually charge the full official fees.

We may also grant other price discounts on request, if required. Please just ask!

These price discounts are mainly for the following documents:

  • Birth certificates
  • Marriage certificates
  • School leavers’ certificates (Atestat or matriculation certificate)
  • Degree certificates
  • Other qualifications
  • Medical documents
  • International veterinary pet passports
  • Drivers’ licences

Discounts may be applied for other documents on request.

How do I order?

Once you have arrived in Germany, please register (polizeiliche Anmeldung) with your local Bürgeramt (citizens’ registration office). As soon as you register, please have an officially certified copy made of your most important documents. The main documents are your birth certificate, your children’s birth certificates, your marriage certificate and proof of your qualifications. These are the primary documents to which our discounts apply.

Please send us the officially certified copies of your documents via Deutsche Post. We recommend using registered mail. You must keep the proof of posting (a special receipt from Deutsche Post) until we have written to you confirming that we have received your documents.

  1. We will prepare an individual price quotation for you
  2. You then pay a deposit (make an advance payment)
  3. We will translate the documents for you and give you a final invoice
  4. Then either you pay the remaining amount or we give you a credit note (if you have already paid more than the translation cost)
  5. We will return your official certified photocopies by Deutsche Post alongside our translation, also using registered mail

You can then use the translations when dealing with the authorities and when you are asked for them

What else do I need to know about certified translations and the ISO transliteration standard?

  • In Germany, certified translations can only be done by a legally approved translator.
  • The ‘sworn’ (German: ‘beeidigt’) or ‘court-certified’ (German: ‘ermächtigt’) translator must certify that their translation is accurate and complete, using their signature and official seal.
  • We strongly recommend that you submit photo ID for the person named in the document you need translating. This is so we can see the correct, official way their name is written, in both the Cyrillic and the Latin alphabets. If you like, you can remove or obscure any other personal information on the photo ID that is not needed for the translation.
  • We have some FAQ about how we calculate our payments. The discounts we give apply to the translation costs part of your order. Our certification fee of €10.00 plus VAT (€11.90 gross) and the flat fee for expenses of €15.00 plus VAT (€17.85 gross), are not affected, nor is German VAT, which is set by law and is currently 19%.

If you have any other questions, please contact us by email. We'll email you back.

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