Non-binding price estimate
Please note that the overall price output from our price calculation tool is not final or binding. It is an estimate based on the information you have submitted about the order value. Thus, the overall price we cite here may not be the same as the price we quote on our final invoice.
Original certificates
Please send us the original documents by post so we can begin processing your order.
Photo ID
Please note that we translate in accordance with ISO standards. This means the way personal and place names are written in the translation may differ from that in your original documents. We offer the option of adding the name as written in your passport or ID card, in addition to this ISO standard name. To add this, please send a copy of your passport or ID card.
Advance payment
We will ask you for payment in advance. Please see the invoice that will be attached to the order confirmation. We will of course offset all of this advance payment against the final invoice, which we calculate on the basis of the target text. If you have paid more in advance than is due in the final invoice, we will naturally refund you the difference. That’s why we ask you to provide your IBAN number. If you have paid less in advance than the final invoice amount, we will ask you to pay the difference.
Acceptance or rejection of the order are discussed in our General Terms of Use and Business. We also refer you to our consumer Cancellation policy and the fact that, by checking the opt-in box when you order, you agreed to waive the 14-day cancellation period. This is the only way we can legitimately begin processing your order before this 14-day period elapses. Once the original documents and advance payment have been received, we will start work on your order.